Gallery Without Walls 04

Gallery Without Walls project 4 launched as part of Leicester’s Design Season at LCB Hub. To increase exposure to the event the launch coincided with LCB’s Last Friday Street Food Night to a huge audience.

Following on the excellent open-call graphic design and illustration exhibition LOOP we collaborated with the organisers to bring the benefits of GWW to Design Season.

We selected a hand-full of the best creatives from the group that exhibited in the LOOP open-call exhibition. We got more information and more work from them and then matched them with venues throughout the city. We then printed, framed and installed their work across participating venues. We included GWW and personal information cards for the general public to buy their work or contact them in person.

After all the installations we had some cocktails and great street food and the launch night went down a storm. Thank you for the cooperation of all those involved and we hope that the extra exposure for the creatives involved helps on the road to their future careers.


Gallery Without Walls is a platform for the distribution of artworks across multiple traditional or untraditional spaces around Leicester. We curate exhibitions, collaborate on events and experiment with new ways of displaying art within the city. Our aim is to increase exposure to the arts for the benefit of creatives, venues and the wider community.


If you have an idea for an event and you’re not sure how to move forward or you’d like to collaborate with Institute, then get in touch here.