We Built an Augmented Reality App


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We started to investigate the options for using augmented reality apps a few years ago. We were shocked at the cost creatives would have to pay to produce a portfolio of work with the offerings available. We decided to build our own app and worked with Swipe and Tap to make this possible. The app is now freely available for iOS and Android.


An augogram or marker is a computer generated image that is used to create AR. AR can be defined as a system that fulfils three basic features: a combination of real and virtual worlds, real-time interaction, and accurate 3D registration of virtual and real objects.

Augmented reality (AR) is an interactive experience where objects that reside in the real world are enhanced by artificial perceptual information, sometimes across multiple sensory modalities, including visual, auditory, haptic, somatosensory and olfactory.

In the context of our app, your mobile device recognises a marker and either plays video on your screen that appears to overlay the marker in the real world or the app delivers a 3D object that interacts with the environment when looking through your screen.


The increasing ability to augment reality offers alternative avenues for individuals, organisations and brands to explore how they do what they do. It’s a powerful new tool to help us achieve our goals.

A core ambition at Graffio Arts is to lower barriers into the arts with emergent media technology.

The Graffio AR app has already seen use for one off creative work, exhibitions and major arts projects.

If you’d like to use AR to develop what you do, then there are various ways that we can help you. Below are two common solutions.


For creative individuals, brands or organisations. A curated selection of projects where we grant web portal access to creatives to develop their own projects in association with the Graffio Arts brand on the Graffio AR App. Proposals should evidence a degree of sophistication in creative or technical ambition.


An AR app for your brand. For those that wish to their own AR app to work on their own projects that would be branded in-line with their identity.

We have options to allow users to produce their own projects on their own app in a much more affordable way than the first generation of AR.

This can be stand-alone or integrated into your existing app. This allow individuals, organisations or brands to leverage the benefits of augmented reality on their terms.

Ready to start creating augmented reality content? Get in touch.